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Intip Prototipe Jet Tempur Baru AS, Mirip Pesawat Luar Angkasa
Militer Amerika Serikat tengah giat berinvestasi ke pengadaan pesawat perang senilai Rp 3,6 miliar. Pesawat terbaru ini bakal bisa menampung sekira 200 orang.
Angkatan Udara AS pada 16 Agustus 2023 lalu mengumumkan pihak ketiga yang bakal mengerjakan proyek pesawat ini di Los Angeles, JetZero. Tipe yang dikembangkan yaitu prototipe Bended Wing Body (BWB) mirip pesawat luar angkasa.
Keunggulan pesawat perang terbaru ini terletak pada desain yang sangat efisien dan aerodinamis hingga 30 persen. Desain BWB tadi didedikasikan untuk persiapan konversi bahan bakar minim emisi karbon.
Teknologi super efisien tadi memungkinkan untuk meningkatkan daya jelajah pesawat yang juga bakal difungsikan sebagai pesawat kargo. Kemampuan jelajah yang lincah ini sangat penting untuk mengurangi risiko kerusakan logistik. Beberapa konfigurasi transportasi militer dimungkinkan dengan BWB.
"Pesawat berbadan sayap campuran (BWB) berpotensi untuk secara signifikan mengurangi bahan bakar hingga 60 persen dibandingkan pesawat jet dan meningkatkan jangkauan global," kata Sekretaris Angkatan Udara AS Frank Kendall dalam rilis media yang dilansir dari, Jumat (18/8/2023).
Pertimbangan ini pun telah masuk kajian strategi keamanan nasional AS dalam penganggaran khusus 2023. Nantinya, strategi transformasi alutsista AS lainnya mengadopsi teknologi dengan dua fungsi.
Tindak lanjut kebijakan ini kemudian dikembangkan oleh Angkatan Udara AS bersama badan luar angkasa AS NASA beserta Unit Inovasi Pertahanan Kementerian Pertahanan AS.
“Pengumuman kebijakan teknologi baru ini menandari capaian Angkatan Udara untuk mencapai efektivitas kinerja militer pada masa depan,” kata Asisten Sekretaris Angkatan Udara AS Dr. Ravi Chaudhary.
$235 million space-age warplane could be the future of the U.S. Air Force
The American military is investing $235 million in a space-age style warplane. On Aug. 16, the United States Air Force announced that they selected the Los Angeles firm, JetZero, for the next phase of a blended wing body (BWB) prototype aircraft project.
Designed to carry over 200 passengers, this highly-efficient design deviates from traditional “tube-and-wing aircraft.” It blends the aircraft body into a high-aspect-ratio wing, decreasing aerodynamic drag by at least 30 percent and providing additional lift. The hope is that the BWB design, potentially coupled with future conversion to hydrogen propulsion, could lead to substantially increased fuel efficiency and zero carbon emissions.
The Air Force Operational Energy Office expects to complete initial flight testing as early as 2027.
The U.S. Air Force explains that this increased efficiency will enable extended range, more loiter time, and increased payload delivery efficiencies — capabilities that are vital to mitigating logistics risks. Several military transport configurations are possible with the BWB. Together, these aircraft types account for approximately 60 percent of the Air Force’s total annual jet fuel consumption.
“Blended wing body aircraft have the potential to significantly reduce fuel demand and increase global reach,” says Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall in a media release. “Moving forces and cargo quickly, efficiently, and over long distance is a critical capability to enable national security strategy.”
As outlined in the Fiscal Year 2023 National Defense Authorization Act, the U.S. Department of Defense plans to invest $235 million over the next four years to fast-track the development of this “transformational dual-use technology,” with additional private investment expected.
This effort is the result of collaboration between the Department of the Air Force, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and the Defense Innovation Unit, with assistance from the DoD’s Office of Strategic Capital.
“It’s been a little over a hundred years since a few brave Airmen took to the skies and proved the first aerial refueling capability, extending the global reach of our Air Force. This announcement marks another game-changing milestone for the Air Force in our efforts to maintain the advantage of airpower effectiveness against any future competitors,” says Dr. Ravi Chaudhary, assistant secretary of the Air Force for Energy, Installations, and Environment.
A former C-17 Globemaster III pilot and engineer, Dr. Chaudhary is leading efforts to ensure efficiencies in operational energy, aiming to build greater agility for theater commanders.
Although the BWB concept has been around for decades, more recent technology advancements in structural design, materials technology, manufacturing, and other areas have made large-scale production achievable. The commercial industry, including passenger airlines and air freight companies, stands to benefit from the development of this technology as well. It has the potential to increase available cabin or cargo space while decreasing operational fuel costs.
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